Governor Christine Todd Whitman Executive Orders


Governor Whitman’s Executive Orders are listed below in chronological order with a short description and information concerning its impact on or relationship with other executive orders.

Information on this page is based on the Official Web Site for the State of New Jersey, which contains more information and links to the text of each Executive Order.


1994 (Orders 1-29)

Date No. Description Additional Action
January 18 1 Establishes the New Jersey Economic Master Plan Commission, consisting of a chairperson and twelve members appointed by the Governor, to study economic conditions and create a Strategic Master Plan Updated by EO #8 (Whitman)
January 18 2 Orders public employees, as defined by Section 6 of the Order, to file financial disclosure statements and limits interests held by such employees in any closely-held corporation, partnership, sole propriertorship, or similar business entity. Rescinds EOs #1, #9, and #95 (Florio); Rescinded by EO #10 (McGreevey)
January 19 3 Declares a state of emergency in state prisons until July 1994 (when EO # 80 (Florio) is to expire)
January 19 4  Declares state of emergency for all heat and electrical utilities in the state and directs state agencies to minimize electrical usage Rescinded by EO #5 (Whitman)
January 21 5 Rescinds EO #4 and terminates the state of emergency declared therein.
January 27 6 Creates Advisory Panel on Government Contracting Procedures to review procedures concerning the issuance of bonds, notes, and similar instruments and the retention of certain professionals related to such instruments.
January 28 7 Remits the forfeiture of “Taro,” a dog that has been ordered to be destroyed, on the condition that Taro be moved out of state.
February 15 8 Directs the Economic Master Plan Commission to be expanded to consists of a chairperson and 18 members Modifies EO #1 (Whitman)
March 15 9 Eliminates the position of Environmental Prosecutor in the Division of Labor, relocating the duties of the Environmental Prosecutor to the Division of Public Safety Rescinds EO #2 (Florio)
March 17 10 Reconstitutes the Advisory Council on Juvenile Justice to assist in programs dealing with juvenile crime Rescinded by EO #40 (Christie)
March 21 11 Orders that a State department, authority, or instrumentality may include a project agreement in a public works project. Rescinds EO #99 (Florio); Rescinded by EO #1 (McGreevey)
March 25 12 Declares State of Emergency due to gas pipeline explosion in Edison, NJ Rescinded by EO #13 (Whitman)
March 29 13 Rescinds EO #12 (Whitman), but continues certain emergency authorization for the Department of Sate Police Rescinds EO #12 (Whitman)
March 30 14 Establishes Advisory Panel on Higher Education Restructuring Rescinded by EO #40 (Christie)
April 5 15 Creates the Office of the Business Ombudsman, to be located in the Department of State Rescinded by  EO #71 (Whitman)
April 5 16 Addresses the emergency conditions within the State prisons and other penal and correctional institutions See EO #48 (Whitman)
April 18 17 Establishes the New Jersey Advisory Commission on Privatization
May 2 18 Continues the Governor’s Council on the Prevention of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, directing that it remain in existence until December 31, 1996 See EO #30 (Florio)
May 2 19 Continues the Governor’s Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect, directing that it remain in existence until December 31, 1996 Continues EOs #51, 110, 173, and 217 (Kean) and #53 (Florio)
June 13 20 Establishes the NJ Commission on National Service
July 14 21 Reconstitutes the Governor’s Employee Relations Policy Council and the Office of Employee Relations within the Department of Personnel Rescinds EOs #3 and 4 (1970); Modified by EO #33 (Whitman)
August 5 22 Orders Department of Education to complete a comprehensive and thorough review of administrative regulations by December 31, 1995
23 Orders that the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection is designated ex-officio as the State Natural Resource Trustee for purposes outlined in Section 2706(b)(3) of the Oil Pollution Act
October 11 24 Directs NJ Department of Commerce and Economic Development to create a Free Cuba Task Force Supersedes EO #89 (Florio)
October 20 25 Orders that November 25, 1994 be granted as a day off for State employees
26 Directs that the policy of the State generally requiring that all bonds of the State and its agencies and authorities be sold on a competitive basis is continued Supersedes EOs #79 and 92 (Florio)
November 2 27 Orders State administrative agencies to include a statement of whether Federal standards are exceeded when adopting, amending, or readopting rules and regulations
November 16 28 Orders that State employees called to duty in Haiti and the Middle East crises are entitled to return to State employment will full seniority and benefits upon termination of their active duty
December 1 29 Directs the extension of the Governor’s Council on AIDS Rescinded by EO #61 (McGreevey)


1995 (Orders 30-44)

Date No. Description Additional Action
January 10 30 Establishes the Advisory Panel on School Vouchers Rescinded by EO #40 (Christie)
January 10 31 Directs the flags of the United States and New Jersey to be flown at half staff at all State Departments, offices, and agencies on January 11, 1995, in mourning of the passing of Senator Walter Rand
March 6 32 Directs Vacancy Review Board to be eliminated Rescinds EO #10 (Kean)
March 6 33 Orders the transfer of the Office of Employee Relations from the Department of Personnel to the Office of the Governor Modifies EO #21 (Whitman)
April 10 34 Continues the Governor’s Advisory Council on Volunteerism and Community Service and establishes Governor’s Youth Advisory Council See EOs #79, 99, and 107 (Whitman) and EO #71 (Florio); Rescinded by EO #40 (Christie)
May 8 35 Directs that Reorganization Plan No. 002-1995, which provides for the transfer of the Division of Motor Vehicles to the Department of Transportation, shall be effective on July 22, 1995
May 12 36 Orders expansion of Private Industry Councils into broad-based Workforce Investment Boards Rescinds EO #107 (Florio)
June 1 37 Continues the New Jersey-Israel Commission through May 31, 1997; discontinues the Commission’s subcommittee on Agricultural and Natural Resources Modifies EO #208 (Kean) and EOs # 35 and 90 (Florio); Continued by EO #70 (Whitman) and EO #12 (McGreevey)
June 15 38 Establishes commission known as Prosperity New Jersey Modifies EO #1 (Whitman)
July 25 39 Establishes the Study Commission on Parole Rescinded by EO #40 (Christie)
August 3 40 Continues the Governor’s Council on New Jersey Outdoors Rescinded by EO #40 (Christie)
September 13 41 Declares a state of water emergency for counties in northeastern New Jersey Terminated by EO #43 (Whitman)
September 21 42 Establishes the New Jersey Sports History Commission to plan the 150th anniversary of the first game of baseball and the 50th anniversary of the beginning of integration of organized baseball
November 3 43 Declares state of water emergency no longer exists in northeastern counties of New Jersey Terminates EO #41 (Whitman)
November 9 44 Directs that November 24, 1995 be granted as a day off to employees of the Executive Department of State government


1996 (Orders 45-64)

Date No. Description Additional Action
January 7 45 Declares state of emergency caused by snow and blizzard conditions
January 13 46 Terminates the state of emergency declared on January 7, 1996 Terminates EO #45 (Whitman)
February 29 47 Entitles New Jersey State employees who are called to active duty during the Bosnian Peacekeeping Mission to full seniority and benefits
March 28 48 Allows the Commissioner of Corrections to designate places of confinement for state-sentenced inmates See EO #16 (Whitman)
April 17 49 Directs that the policy of the State of New Jersey shall be that harassment, intimidation, violence, or threats of violence by or against employees shall not be tolerated
May 28 50 Establishes the Health Care Fraud Task Force
June 28 51 Orders that the effective date for Reorganization Plan No. 001-1996, which transfers employees to the Department of Health and Senior Services, shall be July 6, 1996
June 28 52 Orders that the effective date for Reorganization Plan No. 002-1996, which transfers the Division of the State Library from the Department of Education to the Department of State, shall be July 6, 1996
June 28 53 Declares state of emergency in Mercer and Burlington counties and calls NJ National Guard to active duty Terminated by EO #56 (Whitman)
July 9 54 Mourns the passing of former Assemblyman Watson and directs the flags of the United States and New Jersey to be flown at half-staff on July 9, 1996
July 9 55 Mourns the passing of former Governor William Cahill and directs the flags of the United States and New Jersey to be flown at half-staff from July 9, 1996 through July 22, 1996
July 12 56 Terminates the State of Emergency declared on June 28, 1996 Terminates EO #53 (Whitman)
July 25 57 Mourns the passing of Chief Justice Robert Wilentz and directs the flags of the United States and New Jersey to be flown at half-staff from July 26, 1996 through August 2, 1996
September 12 58 Creates Task Force for the Review of the Treatment of the Criminally Insane to study practices employed by Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital and other psychiatric facilities Rescinded by EO #40 (Christie)
October 22 59 Directs the Governor’s Office to convene a “Work First New Jersey” Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee to develop policies and programs that support comprehensive welfare reform within each department
October 31 60 Establishes the Racing Industry Study Commission to undertake a study of the horse racing industry in New Jersey See EO #63 (Whitman)
 November 6  61  Memorializes the declaration and proclamation that a State of Emergency existed from October 18, 1996 through October 21, 1996, which necessitated the exercise of emergency powers conferred upon the Governor of the State of New Jersey
 November 20  62  Grants November 29, 1996 as a day off to non-essential employees in the Executive Departments of state government
 December 12  63  Orders the Racing Industry Study Commission to be expanded from 17 to 19 members, including one member from the public sector and one a representative of the casino industry  Modifies EO #60 (Whitman)
 December 23  64  Mourns the passing of Senator C. William Haines and orders the flags of the United States and New Jersey to be flown at half-staff from December 23, 1996 through December 30, 1996

1997 (Orders 65-77)

Date No. Description Additional Action
January 31 65 Designates the Department of Transportation as the agency to carry out the provisions of the Federal Transit Administration’s State Safety Oversight of Fixed Guideway Systems in the State of New Jersey
March 10 66 Establishes the Division of Revenue in the Department of the Treasury
April 15 67 Designates the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders as an Areawide Water Quality Management Planning Agency
April 22 68 Creates the Office of Sustainability, to be located in the Department of Commerce and Economic Development
May 15 69 Modifies the State’s policy regarding accessibility of public records Modifies EO #9 (Hughes) and EO #123 (Kean)
May 28 70 Continues the New Jersey-Israel Commission through January 1, 2002 Modifies or Extends EO #208 (Kean), EOs # 35 and 90 (Florio), and EO #37 (Whitman); Continued by EO #12 (McGreevey)
June 27 71 Transfers Office of the Ombudsman to the Department of Commerce and establishes an Account Management System Rescinds EO#15 (Whitman)
August 6 72 Establishes the Study Commission on the Implementation of the Death Penalty
August 22 73 Declares State of Emergency due to torrential rainfall and resultant flooding in Atlantic, Burlington, Cape May, Cumberland, and Ocean counties Rescinded by EO #77 (Whitman)
August 26 74 Provides State-funded food stamp benefits to legal immigrants
September 29 75 Creates the Advisory Committee to Study the Future of the New Jersey Training School for Boys in Monroe Township Rescinded by EO #40 (Christie)
November 14 76 Designates November 28, 1997 as a day off to employees who work in the Executive Departments of State Government
November 14 77 Rescinds August 22, 1997 order declaring state of emergency Rescinds EO #73 (Whitman)

1998 (Orders 78-91)

Date No. Description Additional Action
February 6 78 Declares State of Emergency existed and continues to exist in Atlantic, Cape May, Monmouth, and Ocean Counties  Rescinded by EO #80 (Whitman)
February 10 79 Adjusts membership on the Advisory Council on Volunteerism and Community Service  See EOs #34, 99, and 107 (Whitman) and EO # 71 (Florio); Rescinded by EO #40 (Christie)
March 10 80 Rescinds February 6, 1998 declaration of State of Emergency Rescinds EO #78 (Whitman)
May 4 81 Creates Landlord-Tenant Task Force Modified by EO #86 (Whitman); Rescinded by EO #40 (Christie)
May 27 82 Directs creation of the Advisory Committee on the Preservation and Use of Ellis Island See EOs #90, 93, and 111 (Whitman); Rescinded by EO #40 (Christie)
May 27 83 Orders the Effective Date for Reorganization Plan No. 003-1998 to be July 1, 1998
May 28 84 Orders establishment of the New Jersey Advisory Council on Traumatic Brain Injury in the Department of Human Services
July 1 85 Mourns the passing of Judge Alexander P. Waugh, Sr. and directs the flags of the United States and New Jersey be flown at half-staff
July 27 86 Modifies the Landlord-Tenant Task Force Modifies EO #81 (Whitman); Rescinded by EO #40 (Christie)
September 4 87 Establishes the Office of Information Technology, which is in but not of the Department of the Treasury; abolishes the Office of Telecommunications and Information Systems See EO #84 (Kean); Rescinded by EO #42 (Corzine)
September 16 88 Directs state agencies to review rules and regulations that might impact the implementation of interlocal shared service programs
September 28 89 Establishes the New Jersey Advisory Council on Elder Care in the Department of Health and Senior Services
October 5 90 Adjusts composition of the Advisory Committee on the Preservation and Use of Ellis Island Modifies EO #82 (Whitman); Repealed by EO #93 (Whitman)
November 16 91 Declares November 27, 1998 a day off for employees of the Executive Departments of state government

1999 (Orders 92-107)

Date No. Description Additional Action
March 12 92 Creates the Task Force on Mandated Health Insurance Benefits  Repealed by EO #97 (Whitman)
April 3 93 Adjusts membership of the Advisory Committee on the Preservation and Use of Ellis Island, repealing EO #90 (Whitman)  Repeals EO #90 (Whitman); Updates EO #82 (Whitman); See EO #111 (Whitman); Rescinded by EO #40 (Christie)
April 6 94 Creates New Jersey Advanced Technology Vehicle Task Force Rescinded by EO #40 (Christie)
April 6 95 Declares that State employees who are called to active duty during the Kosovo conflict shall be entitled upon termination of active duty to return to State employment with full seniority and benefits
May 20 96 Directs State Departments and agencies to pursue policies which comport with the 11 sustainability goals outlined in New Jersey Future’s “Living with the Future in Mind” report
July 20 97 Orders creation of Task Force on the Affordability and Accessibility of Health Care in New Jersey Repeals EO #92 (Whitman); Rescinded by EO #40 (Christie)
August 5 98 Declares state of water emergency exists throughout New Jersey Revised by EO #100 (Whitman); Terminated by EO #102 (Whitman)
August 30 99 Establishes Governor’s Office of Volunteerism in the Department of State; abolishes Governor’s Office of Volunteerism in Department of Human Services See EOs #34, 79, and 107 (Whitman) and EO #71 (Florio)
September 14 100 Declares water emergency no longer exists in certain counties, but continues in others See EOs #82, 90, 93, and 111 (Whitman)
September 15 101 Declares a State of Emergency in the State of New Jersey due to flooding from Hurricane Floyd Rescinded by EO #121 (Whitman)
September 27 102 Declares that state of water emergency, as declared on August 5, 1999, no longer exists anywhere within the state Terminates EO #98 (Whitman)
October 15 103 Orders creation of Advisory Committee on the Sales and Use Tax
November 18 104 Designates November 26, 1999 as a day off for employees who work in the Executive Departments of state government
November 24 105 Establishes Office of Capital Investment and Coordination in the Department of Transportation
December 17 106 Authorizes and places into effect the New Jersey State Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, or Hostile Environments in the Workplace
December 22 107 Adjusts the membership of the Governor’s Advisory Council on Volunteerism and Community Service to include the Secretary of State See EOs #34, 79, and 99 (Whitman) and EO #71 (Florio); Rescinded by EO #40 (Christie)

2000 (Orders 108-120)

Date No. Description Additional Action
January 4 108 Increases membership of the New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired Rehabilitation Advisory Council and the New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services Rehabilitation Advisory Council See EOs #103 and 110 (Florio)
January 11 109 Directs that until such time that the Water Quality Management Planning rules are repealed and replaced, the Department of Environmental Protection shall determine what alternatives analyses must be conducted prior to making a final decision on an application for approval of a wastewater management plan or amendment thereto
March 15 110 Establishes the Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board within the Office on the Prevention of Violence Against Women
April 4 111 Creates the Ellis Island New Jersey Restoration Advisory Committee in (but not of) the Department of Environmental Protection See EOs #82, 90, and 93 (Whitman); Rescinded by EO #40 (Christie)
April 6 112 Establishes the Governor’s Study Commission on Discrimination in State Employment and Contracting in the Department of State
May 1 113 Establishes the Abbott Implementation Advisory Council in the Department of Education Rescinded by EO #6 (McGreevey)
May 9 114 Creates the Task Force on Cancer Prevention, Early Detection and Treatment in New Jersey in the Department of Health and Senior Services
June 27 115 Establishes the Lake Restoration and Management Advisory Task Force in the Department of Environmental Protection Rescinded by EO #40 (Christie)
July 3 116 Establishes the 225th Anniversary of the American Revolution Advisory Task Force in the Department of State Rescinded by EO #40 (Christie)
August 14 117 Declares State of Emergency in Morris and Sussex counties
September 22 118 Directs Kearny Facility to be used by Department of Corrections as temporary housing for sexually violent predators
November 16 119 Declares November 24, 2000 a day off for State employees
December 30 120 Declares State of Emergency in state of New Jersey due to snow and blizzard conditions

2001 (Orders 121-123)

Date No. Description Additional Action
January 30 121 Terminates State of Emergency declared on September 15, 1999  Terminates EO #101 (Whitman)
January 30 122 Establishes the New Jersey Geographic Information Council in the Office of Information Technology Rescinded by EO #40 (Christie)
January 30 123 Establishes the Construction Trade Training Council Rescinded by EO #40 (Christie)