Governor Thomas H. Kean Executive Orders


Gov. Kean’s Executive Orders are listed below in chronological order with a short description and information concerning its impact on or relationship with other executive orders.

Information on this page is from the New Jersey Digital Legal Library, hosted by the Rutgers University Library for the Center of Law & Justice, which contains more information and links to the text of each Executive Order.


1982 (Orders 1-25)

Date No. Description Additional Action
January 20 1 Continues provisions in Executive Orders #106 and 108 (Byrne) regarding prison overcrowding. Extended by EO #8 (Kean)
February 11 2 Requires certain financial disclosures by executive officers. Rescinded by EO #1 (Florio)
 April 6 3 Declares State of Emergency suspending school board elections in Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union and Warren counties due to weather conditions. Terminated in part and Modified in part by EO #4 (Kean)
April 7 4 Terminates of state of emergency declared in Executive Order No. 3, but continues  suspension of school board elections to April 20, 1982.
April 27 5 Declares that state of emergency regarding water supply no longer exists except in certain municipalities within Delaware River Basin. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
May 4 6 Rescinds Executive Orders Nos. 3, 8, 12, 13, 20, 25, 26, 27, 58, 69, 72, 73, 76, 81, 83, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 35 and 46 (Byrne).
May 4 7 Creates Pension Systems Review Commission. Amended by EO #’s 9 & 48.  Terminated by EO #93 (Kean)
May 20 8 Declares continuing State of Emergency for State Prisons and other penal and correctional institutions. Extended by EO #27 (Kean)
May 27 9 Amends Section 1 of Executive Order No. 7. See EO #’s 7 & 48.  Terminated by #93 (Kean)
July 13 10 Establishes Vacancy Review Board. Rescinded by EO #32 (Whitman)
July 23 11 Rescinds Executive Order No. 65 (Byrne) and creates an Ethnic Advisory Council. Amended by EO #’s 99 & #206 (Kean), and a EO #56 (Florio)
July 23 12 Creates Commission on Science and Technology. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
August 13 13 Creates Governor’s Management Improvement Commission. Terminated by EO #93 (Kean)
August 18 14 Creates Governor’s Advisory Committee on Cancer. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
September 8 15 Outlines new policy concerning State owned housing. Terminated by EO # 93 (Kean)
September 16 16 Creates Voter Registration Advisory Council. Revoked by EO #143 (Kean)
October 5 17 Creates N.J. Advisory Council on Holocaust Education in public schools. Amended by EO #87. Amended and extended by #168.  Extended by 225 (Kean).  Extended by EO #14 (Florio)
October 12 18 Rescinds Executive Order No. 112 (Byrne) and designates Board of Public Utilities as a bargaining agent. See EO #210 (Kean)
October 27 19 Creates Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness. Amended by EO #’s 82, 134, and 142 (Kean)
November 8 20 Creates Governor’s Port Authority Development Advisory Committee. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
November 12 21 Grants November 26, 1982 as a day off for employees of the state’s Executive Departments. See EO #’s 50, 86, 125, 148 & 181. (Kean)
December 3 22 Designates the Commissioner of Labor to act on behalf of the Governor in applying for and administering funds under the Job Training Partnership Act. Amended by EO #81. See #188 (Kean) and EO #107 (Florio)
December 7, filed December 8 23 Designates spending reductions in General Fund and Property Relief Fund. Replaced by EO #29 (Kean)
December 10 24 Directs December 24, 1982 shall have effect of a Bank Holiday.
December 23 25 Creates New Jersey Authorities Committee. Rescinded by EO #10 (Florio)


1983 (Orders 26-58)

Date No. Description Additional Action
January 6 26 Creates the Governor’s Public Employment Advisory Committee.
January 10 27 Continues State of Emergency regarding prison overcrowding. Extended by No. 43 (Kean)
January 13 28 Directs Civil Service to develop and implement a comprehensive training and development program for supervisors and managers. See EO #117. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
January 17 29 Repeals Executive Order No. 23 (Kean).
January 17 30 Directs the Treasurer and Director of Budget and Accounting to make expenditure reductions.
January 19 31 Restricts issuance and use of railroad passes for State employees. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
February 12 32 Declares State of Emergency due to snow. Terminated by EO #33 (Kean)
February 12 33 Terminates of State of Emergency
February 16 34 Exempts certain Agent Orange Commission questionnaires from the Public Records Act.
March 14 35 Creates a Governor’s Committee on Children’s Services Planning. Extended by EO #44.  Amended by #’s 52 and 77.  Extended by #91.  Continued by #137.  See #141 and 200.  Rescinded by EO #102 (Florio)
March 14 36 Creates the Governor’s Advisory Committee on Capital Expenditures for Health Care Facilities. Supplemented by EO #161 (Kean); Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
March 25 37 Creates a Governor’s Committee on the Disabled. Amended by EO #41 (Kean); Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
April 7 38 Creates Governor’s Committee on the Office of Administrative Law. Amended in part by EO #64, revoked by # 93 (Kean)
April 21 39 Creates a Governor’s Task Force on the Homeless.
June 2 40 Declares a state of emergency due to possible contamination at 80 Lister Avenue, Newark. Extended by EO #’s 40A, 40B, 40C and 40D.  Amended by EO #105.  See #106, 109 and 114. (Kean)
June 14 40A Continues Executive Order 40 and amends it to include 20 Whitman Avenue, Edison. See EO #’s 105, 106, 109, 114. (Kean)
June 17 40B Continues Executive Order 40 and amends it to include 125 Delawanna, Clifton. See EO #’s 105, 106, 109, 114. (Kean)
June 29 40C Continues Executive Order 40 and amends it to include 100 W. Main Street, Bound Brook. See EO #’s 105, 106, 109, 114. (Kean)
October 19 40D Continues Executive Order 40 and amends it to include areas in general vicinity of 80 Lister Avenue, Newark. See EO #’s 105, 106, 109, 114. (Kean)
June 21 41 Amends Executive Order No. 37. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
June 29 42 Grants a 35 day waiver of the five year sunset provision of Executive Order No. 66 (Byrne) for special education regulations.
July 15 43 Extends Executive Orders concerning prison overcrowding. Extended by EO #60 (Kean)
August 15 44 Extends the Governor’s Committee on Children’s Services Planning to July 1, 1984. See EO #’s 35, 52, 77, 91, 137 and 141.
September 8 45 Creates a Governor’s Commission on Insurance. Terminated by EO #93 (Kean)
September 16 46 Establishes an Inter-Agency Procurement Committee. Rescinded in part by EO #11 (Florio)
September 16 47 Creates Governor’s Advisory Council on Minority Business Development. Rescinded in part by EO #55 (Kean)
September 23 48 Amends Section 8 of Executive Order No. 7 (Kean). Terminated by EO #93 (Kean)
October 28 49 Directs the Commissioners of DEP and DOT to adopt revisions to the transportation components of the State Implementation Plan.
November 7 50 Declares November 25, 1983 a day off to employees in Executive Departments of State government.
November 17 51 Creates a Task Force on Child Abuse. Reinstated and Extended by EO #’s 173 and 217 (Kean); Continued by EO #53 (Florio); Continued by EO#19 (Whitman)
November 21 52 Increases public membership of the Governor’s Committee on Children’s Services Planning. See EO #’s 35, 44, 77, 91, 137, 141 and 200 (Kean)
November 21 53 Creates the Hudson River Waterfront Development Committee.
November 30 54 Rescinds Section 2c of Executive Order No. 46 (Kean) and inserts amendment. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
November 30 55 Rescinds Section 2c of Executive Order No. 47 (Kean) and inserts amendment.
December 2 56 Declares emergency powers concerning radon. Amended and Extended by EO #107 (Kean)
December 2 57 Orders recycling of Government waste paper and other materials. Superseded by EO #34 (Florio)
December 6 58 Creates a Task Force on State Compensation Equity. Terminated by EO #93 (Kean)


1984 (Orders 59-88)

Date No. Description Additional Action
January 20 59 Creates a New Jersey Asbestos Policy Committee.
January 20 60 Declares a continuing State of Emergency in State Prisons and other penal and correctional institutions of the New Jersey Department of Corrections. Extended by EO #78 (Kean)
February 29 61 Extends the Governor’s Advisory Committee on Capital Expenditures for Health Care Facilities. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
March 6 62 Designates Skylands Botanical Gardens as New Jersey State Botanical Gardens.
March 8 63 Creates an Advisory Committee on Hispanic Affairs. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
March 22 64 Extends the reporting date of the Governor’s Committee on the Office of Administrative Law. Terminated by EO #93 (Kean)
March 27 65 Continues Liberty State Park Public Advisory Commission and rescinds Executive Order No. 74 (Byrne). Amended by EO #163 (Kean)
March 29 66 Proclaims limited State of Emergency in Monmouth, Atlantic, Ocean, Cape May, Burlington, Salem and Cumberland Counties. Terminated by EO #67 (Kean)
March 30 67 Termination of limited State of Emergency.
April 5 68 Declares limited State of Emergency in Bergen, Morris, Passaic, Somerset and Sussex Counties due to severe weather conditions. Terminated by EO #93 (Kean)
April 10 69 Creates a Governor’s Commission on Eastern European and Captive Nation History. Extended by EO #’s 122 and 156 (Kean); Recreated by EO #41 (Florio)
April 25 70 Increases the number of members on the Hudson River Waterfront Development Committee. Amended by EO #152 (Kean)
May 15 71 Directs State agencies to obtain Waterfront Development or Wetlands Permit from DEP in certain cases. See EO #’s 175 and 176 (Kean)
May 24 72 Creates a Governor’s Council on the Prevention of Mental Retardation. Extended by EO #’s 178 and 223 (Florio); Continued by EO # 18 (Whitman)
June 15 73 Creates a Pinelands Agriculture Study Com- mission. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
June 28 74 Creates a Governor’s Advisory Commission on Diabetes. Amended by EO #79; Extended by EO #108 and 151
June 28 75 Creates a New Jersey Fisheries Development Commission.
July 2 76 Creates a Solid Waste Emergency Task Force for the purpose of coordinating State actions in response to garbage hauling work stoppage. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
July 2 77 Continues Governor’s Committee on Children’s Services Planning until September 30, 1984. See EO #’s 35, 44, 52, 91, 137, 141 and 200 (Kean)
July 20 78 Continues Executive Orders 8, 27, 43 and 60 regarding overcrowding in correctional facilities. Extended by EO # 89 (Kean)
August 3 79 Changes membership of the Governor’s Advisory Commission on Diabetes to 23 and designates new chairperson. See EO #’s 74, 108, 151.
August 28 80 Creates Executive Study Commission of Public Procurement Law. Extended by EO # 130; Amended by EO # 135 and 171.
September 5 81 Amends of Executive Order No. 22 (Kean). See EO #188 (Kean); Rescinded by EO #107 (Florio)
September 24 82 Creates Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. See EO #’s 19, 134, and 142 (Kean)
September 26 83 Creates Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission. Amended by EO #’s 94, 131, and 222 (Kean)
October 17 84 Establishes in Department of the Treasury an Office of Telecommunications and Information Systems (OTIS). See EO #87 (Whitman)
October 22 85 Allocates Economic Development Authority bond funds.
November 13 86 Grants November 23, 1984 as a day off to employees in Executive Departments of State government. See EO #’s 21, 50, 125, 148, and 181 (Kean)
November 28 87 Amends Executive Order No. 17 (Kean). See EO #’s 168 and 225 (Kean); Extended by EO #14 (Florio)
December 18 88 Declares State of Emergency in various county penal and correctional facilities concerning inmates with terrorist ties. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)


1985 (Orders 89-126)

Date No. Description Additional Action
January 18 89 Extends continuing State of Emergency Executive Orders 106, 108 (Byrne); 1, 8, 27, 43, 60 and 78 (Kean) concerning prison overcrowding. Extended by EO #127 (Kean)
January 28 90 Creates Commission on Child Support. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
February 1 91 Continues Committee on Children’s Services Planning. See EO #’s 35, 44, 52, 77, 137, 141, and 200 (Kean)
February 23 92 Designates N.J. State Department of Health, Center for Health Statistics, sole agency responsible for administering health-related statistical activities.
March 7 93 Termination of Executive Order No. 54 (Byrne) and Executive Order Nos. 7, 9, 13, 15, 38, 45, 48, 58, 64 and 68 (Kean).
March 14 94 Amends Section 2 of Executive Order No. 83. Amended by EO #131; Rescinded by EO #222 (Kean)
March 27 95 Creates Agricultural Financing Task Force. Extended by EO #120 (Kean); Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
April 4 96 Orders Division of Criminal Justice to release information pertaining to a particular investigation. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
April 17 97 Declares Water Supply Emergency. Supplemented by EO #98. Superseded by #102 and Terminated by #133 (Kean)
April 17 98 Establishes Citizen’s Advisory Committee for duration of water supply emergency. Terminated by EO #133 (Kean)
May 7 99 Increases membership of Ethnic Advisory Council. See EO #11. Amended by #206 (Kean)
May 10 100 Reconstitutes Cabinet Committee on Permit Coordination. See EO #15 (Whitman)
May 14 101 Creates a New Jersey Bicycle Advisory Council. Extended by EO #’s 153 and 182 (Kean)
May 16 102 Extends State of Emergency due to water shortage to include all municipalities and supersedes Executive Order No. 97. Terminated by EO #133 (Kean)
May 28 103 Creates N.J. Advisory Council on Elderly Abuse. Extended by EO #118 (Kean)
June 6 104 Declares July 5, 1985 a day off for State employees in Executive Departments of State government.
June 10 105 Amends Executive Order No. 40 (Kean) to include property at 338 Wilson Avenue, Newark and continues Executive Order No. 40. See EO #’s 40, 106, 109 and 114 (Kean)
June 12 106 Amends Executive Order No. 40 (Kean) to include property at 204 21st Avenue, Paterson and continues Executive Order No. 40. See EO #’s 40, 105, 109 and 114 (Kean)
June 25 107 Amends Executive Order No. 56 (Kean) to include the Township of West Orange.
June 28 108 Extends the Governor’s Advisory Commission on Diabetes to July 1, 1986. See EO #’s 74, 79. and 151 (Kean)
July 2 109 Amends Executive Order No. 40 (Kean) to include Belleville Turnpike in the Town of Kearny, County of Hudson. See EO #’s 40, 105, 106, and 114 (Kean)
July 19 110 Reinstates Executive Order No. 51 and continues the powers and responsibilities of the Task Force on Child Abuse. See EO #’s 173 and 217 (Kean); Continued by #53 (Florio); Continued by #19 (Whitman)
July 30 111 Directs Division of Criminal Justice to release information resulting from a particular investigation to the Department of Civil Service. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
August 7 112 Creates the Law Enforcement Training Academy Study Commission. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
August 28 113 Creates New Jersey Business Retention and Job Retraining Commission. Amended by EO #119 (Kean); Rescinded by EO #107 (Florio)
September 4 114 Amends Executive Order No. 40 (Kean) to include property at Horseshoe Road, Sellersville, Middlesex. See EO #’s 40, 105, 106, and 109 (Kean)
September 26 115 Declares State of Emergency due to Hurricane Gloria. Terminated by EO #116 (Kean)
September 28 116 Terminates of State of Emergency declared in Executive Order No. 115 due to Hurricane Gloria.
September 30 117 Creates Certified Public Manager Society of New Jersey.
October 22 118 Continues New Jersey Advisory Council on Elderly Abuse until 7/1/86. See EO #103 (Kean)
October 25 119 Amends NJ Business Retention and Job Retraining Com- mission. Rescinded by EO #107 (Florio)
October 25 120 Extends the Agricultural Financing Task Force until January 1, 1986. See EO #95 (Kean); Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
October 29 121 Creates Governor’s Task Force on Services for Disabled Persons. Amended and Extended by EO #136 (Kean)
November 4 122 Continues Governor’s Commission on Eastern European and Captive Nation History. See EO #’s 69 and 156 (Kean); See EO #41 (Florio)
November 12 123 Modifies Executive Order No. 9 (Hughes). Modified by EO #69 (Whitman)
November 12 124 Creates Commission on Executive and Legislative and Judicial Salaries.
November 12 125 Declares November 29, 1985 a day off for employees of the Executive departments of State government.
November 25 126 Establishes the New Jersey State Council on Vocational Education. Rescinded by EO #28 (Florio)


1986 (Orders 127-153)

Date No. Description Additional Action
January 17 127 Continues State of Emergency regarding overcrowding in correctional facilities, as declared in Executive Order No. 106 (Byme); Nos. 1, 8, 27, 43, 60, 78, 89 (Kean). Extended by EO #155 (Kean)
February 14 128 Bans Tylenol-containing capsules from store shelves. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
February 20 129 Creates Governor’s School Board of Overseers. Continued by EO #42 (Florio)
February 25 130 Extends Executive Study Commission on Public Procurement Law. See EO #’s 80, 135, and 171 (Kean)
March 5 131 Increases public membership on Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission. See EO #’s 83 and 94; Rescinded by #222 (Kean)
March 7 132 Creates Intergovernmental Task Force on Motor Vehicles. Modified by EO #154 (Kean); Rescinded by #11 (Florio)
March 27 133 Terminates Executive Orders No. 97 (Kean) and 102 (Kean) pertaining to a State of Water Emergency.
March 27 134 Amends Executive Order No. 83 (Kean) pertaining to the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness. See EO #’s 19, 82, 142 (Kean)
April 15 135 Amends Section 2 (Kean) of Executive Order No. 80. See EO #’s 80, 130, and 171 (Kean)
April 16 136 Continues the Governor’s Task Force on Services for Disabled Persons through December 31, 1986. See EO #121 (Kean)
April 17 137 Continues the Governor’s Committee on Children’s Services Planning. See EO #’s 35, 44, 52, 77, 91, 141, and 200 (Kean)
May 27 138 Creates Governor’s Council on New Jersey Outdoors. See EO #196 (Kean); See  #40 (Whitman)
May 28 139 Creates a Task Force on Benefits for the Totally and Permanently Disabled Worker.
May 30 140 Establishes a Constitutional Bicentennial Commission. Amended by EO #’s 144 and 174 (Kean)
June 12 141 Reconstitutes the Governor’s Committee on Children’s Services Planning. See EO #’s 35, 44, 52, 77, 91, 137, and 200 (Kean)
June 18 142 Amends Executive Order No. 19 (Kean).
July 10 143 Creates an Election Advisory Council.
August 18 144 Amends Executive Order No. 140 (Kean). See EO #174 (Kean)
August 26 145 Directs Departments of Treasury and Civil Service to determine policy concerning part-time and temporary State employees. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
September 5 146 Creates Governor’s Council on Emergency Medical Services.
October 20 147 Creates new restrictions on government bonding and ensures that authorities seek the Treasurer’s approval before embarking on financing projects. See EO #185 (Kean)
October 30 148 Declares the day after Thanksgiving as a day off for State employees in Executive departments.
November 3 149 Creates Cabinet Working Group on Substance Abuse.
November 18 150 Creates Commission to accomplish goal of developing fishing rights. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
December 11 151 Continues Governor’s Advisory Commission on Diabetes until July 1, 1988. See EO #’s 74, 79, and 108 (Kean)
December 16 152 Creates a Hudson River Waterfront Development Committee. (Corrected copy issued 12/22/86.) See EO #’s 53 and 70 (KEAn) Amended by #32 (Florio)
December 17 153 Continues the New Jersey Bicycle Advisory Council until 6/1/87. See EO #101; Extended by #182 (Kean)


1987 (Orders 154-183)

Date No. Description Additional Action
January 8 154 Creates a Private Sector Advisory Panel on Motor Vehicles. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
January 12 155 Continues Executive Order Nos. 106 & 108 (Byrne) and 1, 8, 27, 43, 60, 78, 89 & 127 (Kean) regarding overcrowding in correctional facilities, until January 20, 1988. See EO #’s 184 and 202; Extended by #226 (Kean)
January 12 156 Continues Commission on Eastern European and Captive National History until December 31, 1987. See EO #69 (Kean); See #41 (Florio)
January 22 157 Proclaims a limited State of Emergency due to snow storm. Terminated by EO #158 (Kean)
January 23 158 Terminates Executive Order No. 157.
January 26 159 Declares and proclaims a limited State of Emergency due to severe snow storm. Terminated by EO #160 (Kean)
January 27 160 Terminates Executive Order No. 159.
February 13 161 Creates a State Emergency Response Commission for the State of New Jersey.
February 13 162 Designates the N.J. Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency as official housing credit agency to which the State’s housing tax credit ceiling, as provided by Tax Reform Act of 1986, would be allocated.
February 13 163 Continues Liberty State Park Public Advisory Commission. See EO #65 (Kean)
February 23 164 Declares a limited State of Emergency. Terminated by EO #165 (Kean)
February 23 165 Terminates Executive Order No. 164.
March 9 166 Creates a Task Force on Market-Based Pricing. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
March 11 167 Creates the Urban Affairs Cabinet Council. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
March 31 168 Extends the New Jersey Advisory Council on Holocaust Education through and including March 31, 1990. See EO #’s 17, 87, and 225 (Kean); Extended by #14 (Florio)
April 5 169 Declares and proclaims that a limited State of Emergency exists in Bergen, Morris, Passaic, and Essex Counties. Terminated by EO #170 (Kean)
April 5 170 Terminates Executive Order No. 169.
May 8 171 Extends the Executive Study Commission on Public Procurement Law until October 31, 1987. See EO #’s 80, 130, and 133 (Kean)
May 20 172 Requires three toll road authorities (New Jersey Turnpike Authority, New Jersey Highway Authority and New Jersey Expressway Authority) to be more responsive to the communities in which they are located in giving public notice when undertaking a project therein.
May 20 173 Reinstates the Governor’s Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect. See EO #’s 51, 110, and 217 (Kean); Continued by #53 (Florio); Continued by #19 (Whitman)
June 3 174 Amends Executive Order No. 140 (Kean), paragraph 4(d). See EO #144 (Kean)
June 8 175 Imposes a Freshwater Wetlands Development Moratorium. See EO #71; Terminated by #176 (Kean)
July 1 176 Terminates Executive Order No. 175.
July 9 177 Creates a Governor’s Task Force on the Laws Governing the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Extended by EO #183 (Kean); Rescinded by #11 (Florio)
July 30 178 Continues the Governor’s Council on the Prevention of Mental Retardation until December 31, 1989. Extended by EO #223 (Kean); See #30 (Florio); Continued by #18 (Whitman)
October 6 179 Creates a Nursing Shortage Study Commission.
October 26 180 Establishes a standing committee to be known as the Special Events Coordinating Committee.
November 13 181 Declares November 27, 1987 a day off for employees of the Executive Departments of State government
November 19 182 Extends the New Jersey Bicycle Advisory Council until January 1, 1990. See EO #’s 101 and 153 (Kean)
November 30 183 Extends the Governor’s Task Force on the Laws Governing the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey until July 1, 1988. See EO #177 (Kean); Rescinded by #11 (Florio)


1988 (Orders 184-201)

Date No. Description Additional Action
January 4 184 Acknowledges the continuing State of Emer- gency caused by prison overcrowding and extends until January 20, 1989 the State’s authority to confine State prisoners in county penal or correctional institutions. See EO #106 (Byrne); See #155 and 202; Extended by #226 (Kean)
February 4 185 Implements the recently signed New Jersey Private Activity Bond Volume Cap Allocation Act and establishes the same procedures and mechanisms for allocating the Cap provided in Executive Order No. 147 (Kean).
March 4 186 Creates the Governor’s Roundtable on Superconductivity.
April 18 187 Creates a Task Force on Unemployment Insurance Financing. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
April 19 188 Creates New Jersey Commission on Employment and Training. See EO #22 and 81 (Kean); See #11 and 107 (Florio)
July 20 189 Supplements Executive Order No. 34 (Byrne) pertaining to conflicts of interest on the part of State vendors.
July 21 190 Establishes a New Jersey Historical Film Series Advisory Commission.
August 11 191 Creates a Cabinet Task Force on Drug Testing in the Workplace. See EO #204 (Kean)
September 14 192 Designates Acting Commissioner of DEP as State’s Natural Resources Trustee.
September 16 193 Creates a Governor’s Advisory Council on Mental Health Services Planning. See EO #’s 195 and 211 (Kean)
September 16 194 Establishes a program of voter registration in all departments of State government. Superseded by EO #207 (Kean)
September 28 195 Amends parts of Executive Order No. 193 (Kean).
October 18 196 Creates a permanent Council on Open Space and Outdoor Recreation. See EO # 138 (Kean); See #40 (Whitman)
November 14 197 Grants November 25, 1988 as a day off to employees of the Executive Departments of State government.
November 16 198 Establishes the Governor’s Performance Reward Committee. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
November 16 199 Requires the Commissioners of Health and Personnel to provide information and training regarding Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) to all State departments and agencies.
November 23 200 Continues the Governor’s Committee on Children’s Services Planning. See EO #’s 35, 44, 52, 77, 91, 137, and 141 (Kean)
December 22 201 Authorizes the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development to designate Urban Enterprise Zones within economically depressed areas. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)


1989 (Orders 202-224)

Date No. Description Additional Action
January 26 202 Extends State of Emergency regarding prison overcrowding until January 20, 1990. Extended by EO #226 (Kean); Extended by #24 (Florio)
February 8 203 Extends “sunset” deadline in Executive Order No. 66 (Byrne) for relocation assistance rules.
March 14 204 Establishes a “Policy for a Drug-Free Workplace” in New Jersey State Government. See EO # 191 (Kean)
April 24 205 Creates the Commission on Environmental Education. See EO #111 (Florio)
April 25 206 Increases the membership of the Ethnic Advisory Council. See EO #’s 11 and 99 (Kean); Amended by #56 (Florio)
May 25 207 Directs state departments to make mail voter registration applications available to their employees, superseding Executive Order No. 194 (Kean).
May 31 208 Establishes a New Jersey-Israel Commission. Continued by EO #35 and 90 (Florio); Continued by #37 and 70 (Whitman); Continued by #12 (McGreevey)
June 5 209 Establishes an Advisory Council for the Center on International Business.
June 21 210 Designates the Public Power Association of New Jersey as a bargaining agent for the State of New Jersey. See EO #18 (Kean)
August 4 211 Extends the Governor’s Advisory Council on Mental Health Services Planning to June 30, 1990. See EO #193 (Kean)
August 10 212 Declares a state of emergency due to fire under portions of Routes 22 and 78 and adjacent to Route 1. Rescinded by EO #11 (Florio)
August 14 213 Creates the Governor’s Study Commission on Discrimination in Public Works Procurement and Construction Contracts. See EO #214 (Kean); Amended by #5 and 40.  See #84 (Florio)
August 18 214 Increases membership of the Governor’s Study Commission on Discrimination in Public Works Procurement and Construction Contracts. See EO #’s 5, 15, and 40 (Florio)
September 11 215 Directs that all departments, agencies and authorities of the State shall prepare and submit to the Department of Environmental Protection an environmental assessment statement. See EO #53 (Cahill); See #137 (DiFrancesco)
September 12 216 Orders the Commissioner of Environmental Protection to submit New Jersey’s Federal Radon Grant Proposal.
September 12 217 Extends the existence of the Governor’s Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect until December 31, 1991. See EO #’s 51, 110, and 173 (Kean); Continued by #53 (Florioa); Continued by #19 (Whitman)
October 12 218 Creates the Governor’s Mobility Plan Coordinating Committee. Amended by EO #220 (Kean); Rescinded by #10 (Florio)
October 23 219 Requires that State entities conserve energy in order to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases that contribute to global climate changes.
October 30 220 Amends Executive Order No. 218 to include the Director of the Hudson Waterfront Transportation Office of New Jersey Transit Corporation. Rescinded by EO #10 (Florio)
November 13 221 Declares November 24, 1989 a day off for employees of the Executive Departments of State government.
November 16 222 Rescinds Executive Order Nos. 83, 94 and 131 (Kean) regarding Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission.
November 22 223 Extends the Governor’s Council on the Prevention of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. See EO #’s 72 and 178 (Kean); Reestablished by #30 (Florio);
December 20 224 Creates a Skylands Greenway Task Force.


1990 (Orders 225-226)

Date No. Description Additional Action
January 10 225 Extends the New Jersey Advisory Council on Holocaust Education until September 1, 1990. See EO #’s 17, 87, and 168 (Kean); Extended by #14 (Florio)
January 12 226 Extends all prison overcrowding emergency executive orders from No. 106 (Byrne) to No. 202 (Kean) until January 20, 1991, notwithstanding any sections in them stating otherwise.